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ASAPLegalForms™ offers you easy to use legal forms, available for immediate download in Word format on your computer. Download your legal forms quickly, from the safety and comfort of your home. We offer various legal forms that you can use serve your legal needs. Download your legal forms quickly and safely. All of our legal forms are fully guaranteed.

Employment, Independent Contractor, Consulting and Services Agreements Forms By State

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Employee Hiring: Find and Keep Talented Employees, and Minimize the Risk of Claims:
The success of a business depends on the ability to hire motivated and talented employees. Typically, unless the employer agrees otherwise, an employment relationship is governed by the “employment at will” rule. This means that an employee can be terminated at any time, without cause. However, employees have increasingly taken advantage of laws to assert legal claims, including wrongful termination, discrimination, and retaliation. Our easy-to-use legal forms enable you to create employment relationships that meet your individual expectations, without unintended consequences.

Protect Your Business:
If you are contemplating hiring an employee, or already have an employee, it is essential that you protect yourself from charges of discriminatory hiring practices and ensuring that your job offer does not somehow imply a "contract of employment". We offer a variety of legal forms, including job applications, personnel policies and agreements that can assist you in protecting your business from such claims. These tools can protect you while your business continues to grow and flourish.

ASAP Legal Forms makes it easy for small businesses to create the documents needed to hire employees and deal with employee-related issues. You can immediately download employment application forms, employment contracts, personnel policies, separation/severance agreements, and independent contractor agreements. Our documents are easy to understand, and are designed to ensure that you can easily make changes to suit your individual needs.

Family And Medical Leave Act (fmla): A Summary Of The Law
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Hiring, in many cases, begins with a job application. Many of the...Read More
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Title I of the ADA requires employers with 15 or more employees to provide qualified individuals with disabilities an equal opportunity to benefit from the full range of employment-related opportunities available to others. For example, it prohibits...Read More
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Please note that ASAP Legal Forms, Inc. is not a law firm and does not act as your attorney. Our service is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. Our legal forms are intended to assist you in representing your own interests in basic legal matters.