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Consumer and Identity Theft Protection Forms By State

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Last year, more than nine million Americans became victims of identity theft. It doesn't have to happen to you. Millions more were victimized by scam artists and dishonest businesses – YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE THE NEXT VICTIM!

The Increasing Threats: Identity Theft And Consumer Fraud
Advances in technology have made it essential for you to take proactive measures to protect your financial safety from the threat of thieves and rip-off artists. Advances in technology have changed the way Americans live and conduct business. The technological advances that make it easy to pay bills online or purchase airline tickets with a single click have also made it easier for criminals to engage in consumer fraud, scams, and outright theft of your personal information. Often, consumers do not learn that they have been victimized until their assets have been stolen.

Identity theft, they say, is when someone gathers your personal information and assumes your identity as their own. This can include getting seemingly authentic forms of identification using real or fake "breeder" documents (a breeder document is a document you use to establish your identity for other forms of ID; for example, you probably have to bring a birth certificate to the department of motor vehicles to get a driver's license). With their new identification in hand, criminals perpetrating an actual identity theft can then open new accounts, apply for loans or mortgages, and generally make a very big, expensive mess of the victim's life.

To the average consumer, neither identity fraud or identity theft is desirable. ASAP LEGAL FORMS provides you with the most current and comprehensive set of tools needed to protect against:

  • Consumer fraud/scams, including materials to ensure that these items are removed from your credit card statements and credit reports: we provide the forms and information to interact with the national credit bureaus to ensure that illegitimate debts do not continue to jeopardize your future
  • Identity theft, including materials to monitor your credit reports and to protect your information and files from dishonest individuals: we help you ensure that the appropriate fraud alerts are placed in your national credit files, and that no further applications or transactions can occur without your knowledge.
What The Experts Say:

Attorney Marc A. Rapaport (Plaintiff’s Attorney):
Identity theft is a hot topic. You hear about it on television credit card commercials, and you hear people talking about it in their every day lives. The problem is that many people don't take it seriously and they don't take the necessary protective measures.

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