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Construction Home ImprovementASAPLegalForms™ offers a wide variety of professionally prepared legal forms for use in both residential and commercial construction projects. Our construction forms include home improvement contracts, agreements for designers and architects, proposals, lien forms, agreements between owners and construction managers, subcontractor agreements, and more. All of our construction forms are available for immediate download on your computer.
Construction, Home Improvement, Architecture & Design Forms By State

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What You Need To Know About Construction Contracts
Faq Regarding Construction Liens


What is a General Contractor? A general contractor is one who is liable for the performance of the entire contract. They handle the permitting process, completing work, and ordering materials. The owner simply secures the financing or pays the contractor at regular intervals.

What is a Construction Manager? A construction manager provides construction scheduling, budgeting, supervisory, and coordination services to an owner for a fee.

What is a Subcontractor? A subcontractor is any supplier, distributor, vendor, or firm that furnishes supplies or services to or for a general contractor.

What is a Contractor's Lien? A contractor's lien is a legal claim which provides protection for contractors in the event they do not receive full payment for services provided under the contract. In many states, this is also referred to as a Mechanics Lien, and is obtained by filing and serving a simple form setting forth the services provided and the amount owed.

Who is Permitted to File a Mechanics' Lien/Contractor's Lien? There are some differences among the various states. For example, in New York, the Lien Law permits the following persons to file Mechanics Liens:

A contractor, subcontractor, laborer, materialman, landscape gardener, nurseryman or person or corporation selling fruit or ornamental trees, roses, shrubbery, vines and small fruits, or performs labor or furnishes materials for the improvement of real property with the consent or at the request of the owner thereof, or of his agent, contractor or subcontactor ..

We have construction contract forms, mechanics liens, independent contractor forms, and other types of construction law forms for every state. Select from the drop down menu above to get the construction form you need. Our forms are professionally prepared and fully guaranteed. We have construction lien forms for every state.
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